Acts 16:20-24 | Trusting Through Suffering | Pastor Mark Kirk

Apr 7, 2024    Pastor Mark Kirk

It’s one thing to be willing to suffer mentally and emotionally in serving the Lord from the world

around us or even the demonic realm. But it’s an entirely different thing to bewilling to suffer “physically” like the Lord did. And that is where we will see Paul and Silas today. That is we are going to see them physically suffering for their witness and work in the ministry. Yet we will see them trusting God through it all. We left off the last time we were here in the story with Paul and Silas being arrested in the Roman colony of Philippi with all the laws and rights of Rome…And while there we saw them cast out ademon from a fortune teller which caused quite a stir because it affected the income on her owners. And now we take up with Paul and Silas being brought before the city magistrates for judgement.

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