Program Schedule
Times not listed are music.
12:00 AM | Chapter & Verse
01:00 AM | According To The Scriptures
02:00 AM | Somebody Loves You
03:00 AM | A Sure Foundation
04:00 AM | Turning Point
05:00 AM | Enduring Word
06:00 AM | On The Level
06:30 AM | Bridging The Gap
07:00 AM | Abounding Grace
07:30 AM | Come To The Table
08:00 AM | The Word For Today
08:30 AM | The Connection
09:00 AM | Changed By Love
10:00 AM | Searchlight
10: 30 am | Godsword
11:00 AM | Straight From the Heart
12:00 PM | The Word For Today
12:30 PM | Come To The Table
01:00 PM | Step By Step
01:30 PM | Signs Of The Times (FRIDAY)
03:00 PM | A Daily Walk
03:30 PM | According To The Scriptures
04:00 PM | On The Level
04:30 PM | Real Life
05:00 PM | A New Beginning
05:30 PM | The Connection
06:00 PM | Straight From the Heart
06:30 PM | Grow In Grace
07:00 PM | CCK Live Service (WEDNESDAY)
08:00 PM | Boldly Speaking
09:00 PM | Somebody Loves You
10:00 PM | Living Hope
11:00 PM | Come To The Table
01:00 AM | According To The Scriptures
02:00 AM | Somebody Loves You
03:00 AM | A Sure Foundation
04:00 AM | Turning Point
05:00 AM | Enduring Word
06:00 AM | On The Level
06:30 AM | Bridging The Gap
07:00 AM | Abounding Grace
07:30 AM | Come To The Table
08:00 AM | The Word For Today
08:30 AM | The Connection
09:00 AM | Changed By Love
10:00 AM | Searchlight
10: 30 am | Godsword
11:00 AM | Straight From the Heart
12:00 PM | The Word For Today
12:30 PM | Come To The Table
01:00 PM | Step By Step
01:30 PM | Signs Of The Times (FRIDAY)
03:00 PM | A Daily Walk
03:30 PM | According To The Scriptures
04:00 PM | On The Level
04:30 PM | Real Life
05:00 PM | A New Beginning
05:30 PM | The Connection
06:00 PM | Straight From the Heart
06:30 PM | Grow In Grace
07:00 PM | CCK Live Service (WEDNESDAY)
08:00 PM | Boldly Speaking
09:00 PM | Somebody Loves You
10:00 PM | Living Hope
11:00 PM | Come To The Table
Times not listed are music.
12:00 AM | Abounding Grace
01:00 AM | Knowing His Word
02:00 AM | A New Beginning
03:00 AM | A Sure Hope
04:00 AM | Boldly Speaking
05:00 AM | Walking In The Light
06:00 AM | Thru The Bible
===== Calvary Kid's Radio! =====
07:00 AM | Down Gilead Lane
08:00 AM | Paws and Tales
08: 30 AM | Ranger Bill
09:00 AM | Adventures in Odyssey
09:30 AM | Paws and Tales
10:00 AM | Regenerate Radio
11:00 AM | Understanding the Times
12:00 PM | Come To The Table
12:30 PM | The Dacus Report
01:00 PM | According To The Scriptures
02:00 PM |Refresh! with Greg Laurie
03:00 PM | Bridging The Gap
04:00 PM | The Word For Today
05:00 PM | Grow In Grace Wknd
06:00 PM | Anchored Truth
07:00 PM | Science, Scripture and Salvation
08:00 PM | A Daily Walk
09:00 PM | Sandy Adams Radio
10:00 PM | 20 The Countdown Magazine (Hour 1)
11:00 PM | 20 The Countdown Magazine (Hour 2)
01:00 AM | Knowing His Word
02:00 AM | A New Beginning
03:00 AM | A Sure Hope
04:00 AM | Boldly Speaking
05:00 AM | Walking In The Light
06:00 AM | Thru The Bible
===== Calvary Kid's Radio! =====
07:00 AM | Down Gilead Lane
08:00 AM | Paws and Tales
08: 30 AM | Ranger Bill
09:00 AM | Adventures in Odyssey
09:30 AM | Paws and Tales
10:00 AM | Regenerate Radio
11:00 AM | Understanding the Times
12:00 PM | Come To The Table
12:30 PM | The Dacus Report
01:00 PM | According To The Scriptures
02:00 PM |Refresh! with Greg Laurie
03:00 PM | Bridging The Gap
04:00 PM | The Word For Today
05:00 PM | Grow In Grace Wknd
06:00 PM | Anchored Truth
07:00 PM | Science, Scripture and Salvation
08:00 PM | A Daily Walk
09:00 PM | Sandy Adams Radio
10:00 PM | 20 The Countdown Magazine (Hour 1)
11:00 PM | 20 The Countdown Magazine (Hour 2)
Times not listed are music.
12:00 AM | Walking In The Light
01:00 AM | Boldly Speaking
02:00 AM | A Sure Hope
03:00 AM | Knowing His Word
04:00 AM | Sandy Adams Radio
05:00 AM | Anchored Truth
06:00 AM | Regenerate Radio
07:00 AM | Enduring Word
08:00 AM | Abounding Grace
09:00 AM | According To The Scriptures
10:00 AM | Bridging The Gap
11:00 AM | CCK Live Sunday AM Service
01:00 PM | The Dwelling Place
02:00 PM |Science, Scripture and Salvation
03:00 PM | Come To The Table
04:00 PM | A Daily Walk
05:00 PM | Knowing Him
06:00 PM | CCK Live Sunday PM Service
08:00 PM | A New Beginning
09:00 PM | Worship with Andy Chrisman (Hour 1)
10:00 PM | Worship with Andy Chrisman (Hour 2)
01:00 AM | Boldly Speaking
02:00 AM | A Sure Hope
03:00 AM | Knowing His Word
04:00 AM | Sandy Adams Radio
05:00 AM | Anchored Truth
06:00 AM | Regenerate Radio
07:00 AM | Enduring Word
08:00 AM | Abounding Grace
09:00 AM | According To The Scriptures
10:00 AM | Bridging The Gap
11:00 AM | CCK Live Sunday AM Service
01:00 PM | The Dwelling Place
02:00 PM |Science, Scripture and Salvation
03:00 PM | Come To The Table
04:00 PM | A Daily Walk
05:00 PM | Knowing Him
06:00 PM | CCK Live Sunday PM Service
08:00 PM | A New Beginning
09:00 PM | Worship with Andy Chrisman (Hour 1)
10:00 PM | Worship with Andy Chrisman (Hour 2)