Promote Your Event!
Technically, it's a Public Service Announcement (PSA).
WIAM provides free publicity for non-profit Christian organizations holding events or providing information of value to the Knoxville community. For profit organizations do not qualify for coverage under our Public Affairs policy. Events we promote must occur within our listening area.
We make an exception for events that involve a fee if the fee is used to cover the cost of materials, workbooks, handouts, or to provide meals or accommodations. Conferences, seminars, or concerts that charge a fee for any other purpose do not qualify as a PSA. Information for PSAs must reach WIAM at least two (2) weeks in advance of the event you are promoting.
WIAM reserves the right to refuse any PSA for any reason. If your PSA is accepted, we can't make commitments regarding the broadcast of or frequency of broadcasting your PSA on the air, due to time constraints and programming commitments.
Pre-recorded PSAs must be no longer than 30 seconds and must comply with the policy stated herein and with all applicable FCC regulations.
We make an exception for events that involve a fee if the fee is used to cover the cost of materials, workbooks, handouts, or to provide meals or accommodations. Conferences, seminars, or concerts that charge a fee for any other purpose do not qualify as a PSA. Information for PSAs must reach WIAM at least two (2) weeks in advance of the event you are promoting.
WIAM reserves the right to refuse any PSA for any reason. If your PSA is accepted, we can't make commitments regarding the broadcast of or frequency of broadcasting your PSA on the air, due to time constraints and programming commitments.
Pre-recorded PSAs must be no longer than 30 seconds and must comply with the policy stated herein and with all applicable FCC regulations.